turkey syria conflict Archives | worldnewsunion.com https://worldnewsunion.com/tag/turkey-syria-conflict/ alternate news source Thu, 17 Mar 2022 06:05:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://worldnewsunion.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/cropped-logo-32x32.jpg turkey syria conflict Archives | worldnewsunion.com https://worldnewsunion.com/tag/turkey-syria-conflict/ 32 32 World War 3 Syria in the Making! https://worldnewsunion.com/world-war-3-syria-middle-east/ Tue, 10 Mar 2020 14:25:46 +0000 https://worldnewsunion.com/?p=146 World War 3 Syria- The world is going through a dangerous phase. A major Nuclear world war or world war 3 is in the making and it can break out any point of time. The cause may be the current ‘Syria conflict’ where the world powers are rallying behind the USA or Russia either by opposing or...

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World War 3 Syria- The world is going through a dangerous phase. A major Nuclear world war or world war 3 is in the making and it can break out any point of time. The cause may be the current ‘Syria conflict’ where the world powers are rallying behind the USA or Russia either by opposing or supporting the current Syrian government since 2011. The latest being Turkey’s entry into the conflict as Turkey supports the opposition forces and Russia supports the Syrian Government forces led by the Prime Minister Bashar Assad.

Sudden Withdrawal of USA & Turkeys Military Entry

When President Trump announced the sudden withdrawal of US forces from Syria exposed the Kurdish forces fighting against Syrian Government Forces to face Turkish backlash as Turkey wanted a ‘Safe Zone’ in the Syrian -Turkish border. The latest report emerges that Turkey and Russia have agreed to a ceasefire in Syria’s Idlib province after a meeting in Moscow last week which is a great sigh of relief for those population strangled in northeastern Syria, but Turkey says it reserves the right to retaliate if Syrian government forces carry out further attacks. The halt in fighting in the last rebel-held province intends to put an end to a humanitarian crisis that has caused millions of Syrians to flee towards the border with Turkey.

Syrian Conflict in the Beginning

 Multinational troops are already engaged in air or land attack against their own set of ‘militants’. Millions of people including children and women are getting killed in this war on a daily basis yet the world media hesitant to cover or criticise the ‘actual force’ behind the atrocities. Instead, they spread one-sided reports to gain their local support for the war. USA and NATO began air attack first against Bashar Assad’s regime and the ‘ISIS’ many years ago when the world started thinking that it is not enough to counter ISIS then we saw Russian military moving in and started their own air attack against the ISIS who is fighting against the Syrian government forces.

Here the question remains is who is supplying arms and ammunition to the rebels? The shocking report emerging from the war zone is that once a mere terrorist group ISIS is now becoming a full-fledged fighting force using Tanks, armored vehicles, Scud missiles, Sam missiles etc which are used by the Iraqi and US armies during Gulf war. Amidst this, there were ‘accidental airdrop’ of lethal weapons to Syrian rebels aka ISIS by the USA.

It is evident that the so-called world powers do not have any intention to stop the bombing of innocent people in the near future. Many cities, civilian apartments, hospitals, schools all are in rubbles. This war looks like a long term war and can be the ‘mother’ of a full-fledged  Nuclear World War.

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